What comes to mind when you hear the word ‘dragon’?

Fearsome fire breathing terrors from the skies just waiting to burn entire villages to the ground?

Vain and greedy gold loving villains sleeping in caves just waiting to turn thieves to toast?

Or maybe gentle giants who love nothing better than smelling flowers, reciting poetry, and singing sweet soppy love songs?

Luckily for our hero Sam it’s the final kind of dragon they stumble across living in a cave high on a hill overlooking the village. Luckily for the lonely dragon, Sam is also a big fan of flowers, poetry and sweet soppy love songs. But unluckily for both of them, Sam forgets to keep their new friend a secret and soon the terrified villagers are demanding immediate action to eradicate the fire-breathing terror from their territory.

When an undefeated dragon-slayer arrives looking for Sam’s new best friend, it’s up to Sam to find a way to make everyone understand not all dragons are dangerous before it’s too late.

Featuring more soppy sonnets and songs than ever before, this hilarious and interactive adaptation of Kenneth Grahame’s classic story will have your students (and teachers) laughing and thinking about the value of friendship, kindness, solving problems without fighting and not judging dragons by their covers.

Written and directed by Gregory Cooper
Assistant Director and Production Manager Connie O'Callaghan
Set and props by Nick Lowry
Wardrobe by Eve Simmance
Music by Michael Bell, recorded by the All Girl Big Band
Choreography by Hillary Moulder
Featuring: Adam Stewart, Nicole Jenkins and Sophie Gardiner (cast A) and Jackson Lam-Sheung, Jess Tozer and Jorja Baylee (cast B)
Bookings Manager: Catherine Bryant
Tour Manager: Kris Finnerty

New Zealand 2024 Pricing:

Regular (book after 1st January 2024): $7.00 incl GST per student, minimum total amount of $910.00 for audiences of fewer than 130.
Earlybird (book by 31st December 2023): $6.50 incl GST per student, minimum total $845.00 for audiences of fewer than 130.

We are aware that some schools send home for the ticket price and some schools cover the bill with school budget. If the former, we are happy to offer family pricing, and we are happy to work with you if you have some students that may not be able to afford the ticket price as most importantly we want to make sure that nobody misses out. If either of these might be helpful then please do email or call us to discuss.

Australia 2024 Pricing:

We are sorry we will not be touring Australia this year :-(

By Gregory Cooper

Optional Worksheet:

The Reluctant Dragon

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