It’s the crime of the century that’s too much to bear. Bear-boy-band singing sensation Baby Bear has been kidnapped! When a ransom note is discovered asking for an unlimited supply of ‘Just Right Porridge’ all hands and paws point straight at Goldilocks.

Facing a life sentence of uncomfortable beds, chairs and cold porridge she turns to the only cool-cat capable of cracking the case, the mysterious super-sleuth in boots known to all as the ‘Pet Detective’.

Detective Boots is here to show that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

New Zealand 2017 Pricing:

Regular (book after 1st January 2017): incl GST per student, minimum total amount of for audiences of fewer than 0.
Earlybird (book by 31st December 2016): incl GST per student, minimum total for audiences of fewer than 0.

We are aware that some schools send home for the ticket price and some schools cover the bill with school budget. If the former, we are happy to offer family pricing, and we are happy to work with you if you have some students that may not be able to afford the ticket price as most importantly we want to make sure that nobody misses out. If either of these might be helpful then please do email or call us to discuss.

Australia 2017 Pricing:

We are sorry we will not be touring Australia this year :-(

By Gregory Cooper

Optional Worksheet:

Puss in Boots

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