Back by popular demand (with a super-duper fresh coat of paint to keep it new for our previous As You Write It audiences).

Shakespeare: As You Write It is a hilarious tribute to the plays of the Bard, a hugely entertaining way of introducing (or re-introducing) Shakespeare.

Three fantastic actors collaborate with the audience to create a brand new Shakespearian play. The actors can adapt to suit the age range and any prior knowledge of your students.

To achieve this they look under the hood and demonstrate what makes Shakespeare tick. They explore his world and recreate his obstacles - What makes a tragedy a tragedy? A comedy a comedy?

Shakespeare’s building blocks - scenes, similes, soliloquies and sword fights, poetry, prose and iambic pentameter - are all mixed together in a witches’ brew of fun-filled theatre.

Your students will laugh so much they won’t realise how much they have learned!

New Zealand 2016 Pricing:

Regular (book after 1st January 2016): incl GST per student, minimum total amount of for audiences of fewer than 0.
Earlybird (book by 31st December 2015): incl GST per student, minimum total for audiences of fewer than 0.

We are aware that some schools send home for the ticket price and some schools cover the bill with school budget. If the former, we are happy to offer family pricing, and we are happy to work with you if you have some students that may not be able to afford the ticket price as most importantly we want to make sure that nobody misses out. If either of these might be helpful then please do email or call us to discuss.

Australia 2016 Pricing:

We are sorry we will not be touring Australia this year :-(

Devised by Brendon Bennetts

Optional Worksheet:

Shakespeare: As You Write It

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